sunshine on a cloudy day | izzy, easton and zayden

Three 9-month old babies.  All of whom had their own ideas of how this photo shoot was to be run.  None of which were the same ideas that I had ;-)  "What?  You want us to all stay in one spot AND look at the camera at the same time?  Not happening lady!"

They have each already decided that they are individuals and not just triplets.  At least that's what they're telling me anyway.  That's all fine because shooting them individually was equally as fun.  Can't wait to see what their one-year cake smash holds in store!

Meet Izzy

Meet Easton

Meet Zayden

And sometimes it takes a little screen time at an attempt to get them all looking at the same place at the same time.  (side note; it still didn't work)

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