whimsy and rain boots | Cecilia and Maia

Miss Cecilia is no stranger to dirt.  But she also loves to wear dresses and is especially fond of her mama's dresses from when she was younger.  There is no outfit that doesn't pair perfectly with her pink rain boots and it is rare to see her without them.  That is why this photo shoot had to showcase her with her wonderful sense of fashion.  If anyone can pull it off, it's Cecilia.

And little sister, Maia had to get in a couple of shots.

Sometimes an accidental, out-of-focus shot turns out to be one of my favorites from the whole batch.  In this image she was spacing off, looking at the water.  I thought I would get a quick shot before she turned her head and was initially disappointed when it was fuzzy.  Now I want it on my wall!

1 comment:

Susan Cassimatis said...

Once again, you have captured my little imps on film! Great job, Suzie!